In January 2020, Rome became the epicenter of a historic event for the Vincentian Family: the meeting of leaders from over 100 branches of this spiritual and charitable family. This gathering brought together superiors general, presidents, and leaders of various congregations, associations, and movements that share the charism of Saint Vincent de Paul. For several days, participants exchanged ideas, reflected on their common mission, and discussed the contemporary challenges faced by the Vincentian mission worldwide.

A Historic Gathering: Over 100 Branches United

The event, held at the General House of the Daughters of Charity in Rome, was inaugurated on January 8, 2020, with an opening Mass celebrated by Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and President of the Vincentian Family Executive Board. In his homily, Mavrič highlighted the importance of this meeting as a moment to renew the Vincentian commitment and strengthen the synergy among the different branches of the Family. The presence of more than 150 leaders representing over 100 branches of the Vincentian Family worldwide, from religious congregations to lay associations, underscored the diversity and unity that characterize this movement.

The event began with the presentation of the objectives and schedule of the meeting, emphasizing the need to work together to respond more effectively to today’s world challenges. The central themes revolved around synodality, collaboration, and the shared mission of serving the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

A Day of Reflection: Synodality and Shared Mission

On January 9, the focus of the meeting was on Vincentian synodality, a key dimension of the Vincentian Family’s identity that drives its members to walk together in their mission. Throughout the day, participants reflected on the importance of synodality as a process of community listening and discernment oriented towards action. Plenary sessions and working groups allowed leaders to share experiences and discuss ways to strengthen inter-congregational collaboration and active lay participation.

One of the highlights was the presentation by the Vincentian Family Synodality Commission, which has been promoting this collaborative way of working, encouraging all members to actively participate in the life and mission of the Family. The challenges of synodality, such as the need to overcome rigid structures and foster greater participation of all voices, especially the laity, were also discussed.

Towards a Common Mission: Innovation in Service to the Poor

On January 10, discussions centered on innovation in the Vincentian mission and new ways of serving the poor. The importance of adapting to social and technological changes to better respond to the needs of the disadvantaged was emphasized. Participants shared experiences of how their respective branches are innovating in their ministries, from using new technologies for evangelization to implementing social projects that address contemporary issues such as climate change, migration, and social exclusion.

One of the most impactful testimonies came from a branch of the Vincentian Family in the Philippines, which shared its work with those affected by natural disasters and its focus on sustainability and community resilience. This and other examples demonstrated how the Vincentian mission remains relevant in a constantly changing world.

Dialogue and Commitment: The Role of the Vincentian Family in the World

On January 11 and 12, the focus shifted to the role of the Vincentian Family in the global context. Dialogues were held on the current state of poverty worldwide and how the Vincentian Family can positively influence society through its commitment to social justice. The importance of networking with other organizations, both within and outside the Church, to maximize the impact of their actions was highlighted.

The dialogue was enriched by case studies on Vincentian initiatives in different parts of the world, illustrating how the principles of social justice and charity are being applied in diverse contexts. From defending migrant rights in Europe to empowerment programs for women in Latin America, the examples reflected the Vincentian Family’s unwavering commitment to the poorest.

A Legacy of Hope and Action

The meeting concluded with a call to action: Vincentian leaders committed to strengthening collaboration among branches and continuing to work together for justice and charity. New platforms for the exchange of resources and knowledge were agreed upon, and all branches were encouraged to deepen their commitment to the Vincentian values of humility, simplicity, and charity.

This historic meeting not only reaffirmed the unity and common mission of the Vincentian Family but also laid the groundwork for future collaborations and projects. Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and the conviction that, by working together, they can make a significant difference in the world.

For those wishing to relive the key moments of this gathering, a complete repository of news and images is available on the official Vincentian Family website: famvin2020rome.

Invitation to the 2024 Vincentian Family Meeting

Building on the success of the 2020 meeting, the Vincentian Family is preparing for a new chapter in November 2024. Rome will once again host an event that promises to be even more significant, under the theme “Keeping the Fire Burning: Vincentian Synodality in Action.” This gathering, scheduled for November 14-17, 2024, seeks to bring together members of all branches of the Vincentian Family, both leaders and lay members, to continue deepening the path of synodality and collaboration.

Synodality, which involves walking together and listening to one another, will be the central theme of this meeting. The event is expected to serve not only as a space for reflection and formation but also as a platform for sharing experiences and strengthening bonds among the various branches of the Vincentian Family. In an increasingly polarized world, Vincentian synodality offers a model of working together that can inspire others and make a real difference.

The 2024 meeting will also place special emphasis on the participation of lay members, recognizing their essential role in the Vincentian mission. There will be workshops and sessions dedicated to exploring how lay members can more effectively contribute to the mission of serving the poor and vulnerable, as well as strengthening inter-congregational collaboration. Additionally, current topics such as the digitization of charity, sustainability in social projects, and responses to humanitarian crises will be addressed, reflecting a commitment to innovation and contemporary relevance.

There are seven highlighted reasons to attend this event: the opportunity to renew the Vincentian spirit, strengthen synodality, learn from best practices, be inspired by testimonies of life and mission, collaborate with other members of the Family, discover new ways to serve, and finally, celebrate faith and mission together.

To register and get more information about the program, interested individuals can visit the official meeting page at famvin2024.

Don’t miss it! Keep the fire burning and join the Vincentian Family in Rome 2024. This is a moment to celebrate our shared mission, renew our commitment, and together, continue to be a beacon of hope for the world’s poor.


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