The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests had its annual gathering June 24-27 in Lexington, Kentucky. Approximately 200 priests and laywomen and men participated. Our theme this year was Eucharist, Sacrament of Encounter. We wanted to complement the theme of the national Eucharistic congress by focusing on the Eucharist as an action leading us to encounter others on our mission into the world, and not primarily on Christ’s presence in the consecrated host.

To assist us in developing this theme, Bishop John Stowe of Lexington led us on an opening day retreat drawing from the themes of the Gospel accounts of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, namely taking, blessing, breaking and sharing. He reminded us that that is what Eucharist is meant to be an action leading us to share with others.

Fr. Michael Driscoll, a sacramental theologian and writer, spoke on how the Eucharist is meant to school us into action. Fr. Tom Reese, Jesuit writer and speaker, developed the theme of the Eucharist for a synodal Church. Finally, Dr. Kim Harris, a member of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium and North American Academy of Liturgy, used music and song to engage us in the importance of telling the world the amazing story we have of our Eucharistic encounter with Jesus.

Besides these challenging presentations, we also had time to choose from a variety of colloquia on such subjects as anti-racism strategic plan, active non-violence for daily living, religious liberty in a synodal Church, synodal model of pastoring and discerning deacons as preparing clergy and parishes to celebrate Phoebe Day.

Each day began with a simple Eucharistic celebration and morning prayer service before we began our session. Wednesday evening  Bishop Stowe led us in the celebration of Eucharist at St. Peter Claver Church, with the help of a lively parish choir. Throughout the assembly we were able to share stories and offer encouraging support to one another both during meals and between sessions.

As a member of the Association from its beginning thirteen years ago, I look forward each year to these gatherings. I am also a member of the Leadership so am able to offer my insights into the ongoing development of the Association and our outreach. I encourage all priests and any interested lay people to join us through our website