This fictitious letter, inspired by the spirituality, charism and thought of St. Vincent de Paul, reflects his legacy as the founder of a great spiritual family dedicated to the service of the poor. The 2024 convocation in Rome is an opportunity to renew this commitment in a context of synodality and fraternity.

Can you imagine what St. Vincent de Paul would say to us if he were to write a letter to his followers today? This is just a literary exercise, but perhaps it could be something like this:

To my dear sons and daughters in Christ, members of the Vincentian Family:

Praise be to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I write to you from eternity, with a heart full of paternal love and with the profound hope that these words will reach your spirit as a breath of faith, charity and communion. It is an immense joy for me to see how, centuries after my passage on earth, the fire of love for the poor continues to burn in your souls, and how you continue the work that the Lord entrusted to me: to be witnesses of his infinite mercy in the midst of a world full of suffering and need.

I see with joy that you have understood well the essence of the charism that God gave me. This charism is none other than effective and affective love for the poor, the suffering, the marginalized. True charity, my dear, does not consist only in feeling compassion, but in doing something concrete to alleviate suffering, just as Jesus taught us by his life and works. You, as followers of this charism, are called to live an incarnated faith, a faith that translates into concrete works of mercy and justice.

St. Paul reminds us that faith without works is a dead faith. I urge you, therefore, that your faith be a living faith, manifesting itself in your service to those most in need, in your struggle against injustice and in your constant search for peace and reconciliation in the world.

It is with great excitement that I learn of your upcoming meeting in Rome, November 14-17, 2024. This meeting, which will be held in the heart of the Church, is not only an occasion to gather and share your experiences, but also an opportunity to renew your commitment to serving the poor and building the Kingdom of God.

I invite you to come to this meeting with an open heart, ready to listen to the voice of God who speaks through your brothers and sisters, through the signs of the times and, above all, through the poor, who are our masters and lords. May this be a time to strengthen the bonds that unite you as a family, to share your joys and challenges, and to discern together the paths that the Lord is calling you to travel in this time of uncertainty and change.

Our Lord Jesus Christ left us a clear command: “As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). This is the foundation of our Vincentian vocation. Our entire action, our entire mission, is based on this principle of charity. It is not enough to proclaim the Gospel with words; we must also proclaim it with our lives, with our actions, with our commitment to those whom the world rejects and forgets.

This meeting in Rome will also be a moment to live synodality – a term we certainly did not use in my time – to walk together as one body in Christ. Synodality is not simply a way of governing, but a way of being Church, a Church that listens, that discerns, that accompanies. It is my wish that in this meeting you may deeply experience the fraternity that should characterize the Vincentian Family. A fraternity that is not based on appearances, but on true charity, that knows how to put others before oneself, that always seeks the common good and that is ready to sacrifice itself for the good of the poorest.

I want to remind you that the mission entrusted to you is not an easy one. At times, it may seem that your strength is exhausted, that the challenges are too great, that evil is too powerful. But do not be discouraged. Remember that you are not alone. The Lord is always with you, and his grace is sufficient to sustain you in times of difficulty. Be courageous, for in your hands is the possibility of changing the world, of transforming the realities of suffering into realities of hope.

Your mission is to bring the Good News to the poor, to be signs of God’s love in the midst of the world. Do not forget that every act of charity, no matter how small, has a profound and lasting impact on the lives of those you serve. Be sowers of hope, builders of peace, witnesses to God’s mercy.

Finally, I exhort you to always seek holiness. Holiness is not a luxury reserved for a few, but a universal call, a vocation for all. In your service to the poor, you will find the path to holiness. The face of Christ is present in every person who suffers, in every person in need. Serve them with love, with humility, with generosity, and you will be serving Christ himself.

I leave you with my blessing and with the certainty that, despite the difficulties, the Lord continues to act through you. May this meeting in Rome be a time of grace, of renewal, of renewed commitment to the mission that God has entrusted to you. And always remember: “Love is inventive to infinity”.

In the hope of seeing you one day in the glory of God, I embrace you in Christ and in Mary, the mother of us all.

Your father in Christ,

Saint Vincent de Paul


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