This fictitious letter is intended to capture the spirit of St. Louise de Marillac and her unwavering commitment to charity and service to those most in need. The 2024 convocation in Rome is an opportunity to renew this commitment in a context of synodality and fraternity.

Can you imagine what St. Louise de Marillac would say to us if she were to write a letter to her spiritual descendants today? This is just a literary exercise, but perhaps it could be something like this:

Dear members of the Vincentian Family,

With deep love and gratitude, I write these words to you from the depths of my heart. It fills me with joy to know that, despite the passage of time, the charism that the Lord inspired in my life and that of our beloved St. Vincent de Paul is still alive and constantly renewed. This letter is a humble invitation to all of you, heirs of our mission, to meet again in Rome, November 14-17, 2024, at the Second Vincentian Convocation.

Since the beginning of our mission, the charism that unites us has been to serve “our masters the poor”. Our mission has manifested itself in various works of charity and care for the most needy: from hospitals and shelters to education and spiritual assistance. At all times, we have tried to imitate Christ, who made himself poor to enrich us with his love.

This meeting in Rome is a unique opportunity to reflect on our charism and reaffirm our vocation of service. I encourage you to come with an open heart, ready to listen to the Lord and to your confreres, to share experiences and to dream together of new ways of being instruments of Charity in a world that is so much in need of God’s love.

This meeting is part of a context of synodality, which is nothing more than walking together as a family. I invite you to see in this meeting an opportunity to strengthen our bonds and find new ways to collaborate more closely. Synodality is not a new concept, but the way we have always lived our charism, working hand in hand, encouraging one another, sharing sorrows and joys, always in fraternity.

The challenge is great: to be an outgoing Church, close to those who suffer, to the marginalized, to those whom the world discards. We must remember the words of St. Vincent: “There is no act of charity that is not accompanied by justice. Let us be, then, defenders of human dignity, a voice for those who have no voice, and arms outstretched to welcome those who need us most.

My life was marked by suffering and hope, by loss and redemption. From my youth, the Lord showed me the way of compassion. I experienced the deep sadness of widowhood and the responsibility of motherhood, but also the joy of finding my true vocation at St. Vincent’s side. It was not an easy road; we encountered many difficulties, but at every step we felt the loving presence of God, guiding and strengthening us.

This is how we must continue today. The mission entrusted to us is not just a task; it is a call to live with an open heart, to serve with tenderness and humility, to be like a mother who never abandons her children. No matter how tired or discouraged we feel, the Lord always renews our strength.

Our Company of the Daughters of Charity was born out of the need to extend the heart of Christ to the least and most vulnerable. Together with you, we have been able to multiply these works in time and space, always with the sole purpose of making God’s love visible in the world. Remember that our strength lies in our union and in constant prayer, which connects us with the Holy Spirit, the source of all good and consolation.

The meeting to be held in Rome is not just another appointment on our agendas; it is an opportunity to listen to the voice of God calling us to renew our commitment to the poor and to explore new ways of living our charism. In this year 2024, marked by so many challenges and changes, our meeting is a light of hope that invites us to look to the future with courage.

I encourage you to participate fully, to bring your gifts and charisms, and to be willing to learn from others. As a family, we enrich one another, and together we can discern how the Lord wants us to continue to serve in these particular times.

May this meeting also be a space to remember all those who have been part of our history and who today enjoy the presence of the Lord. Let us be grateful for their testimony and let us be inspired by their life of dedication.

As we gather in Rome, let us keep in mind the importance of prayer and reflection. We come not only to share experiences, but also to renew our faith and commitment. Let us take advantage of every moment to meditate on the words of Christ and let us allow his love to transform us.

We are called to be instruments of Divine Providence, to work tirelessly and to trust God to make up for our shortcomings. Let us not fear difficulties, but see them as opportunities to grow in faith and love. As St. Vincent said: “Love is inventive to infinity”; let us be creative in our mission, open to new forms of service and always attentive to the needs of those around us.

Dear brothers and sisters, I invite you with all my heart to join this meeting. Not only to see one another and share, but also to seek together the paths that the Lord proposes to us during this time. Let us follow the example of Mary, our Mother, who at all times trusted fully in God’s will and served with humility and joy.

May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us. May our life always be a response of love for God and the poor. And, as we meet in Rome, may we be able to renew our commitment and continue with enthusiasm the mission entrusted to us.

May the blessing of Almighty God be with us always.

With all my love and prayers,

Saint Louise de Marillac


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