The two fundamental sources of Saint Vincent de Paul’s teachings are the Gospel and lived experience. He wanted his followers to put the whole of the Gospel into the whole of their lives, and he never wearied of deepening both. That is why all that St Vincent says to us has the simplicity of our everyday life and the powerful strength of the Word of God.

In the Gospel of Luke (9:46-50), we are presented with the invitation of anyone who welcomes a child in Jesus’ name welcomes Jesus, and anyone who welcomes him welcomes the one who sent him. This is a beautiful reminder for each of us that, as Vincentians, we are trying our best to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in those that we meet. We all know that those that we encounter in our works with the Society come with their own journey and life story. We, in turn, become part of their story for some time, whether it is long or short term. When we join a particular chapter of someone’s life, it is in the complexities and messiness of life. We look into their eyes, we hear their stories, and we see sitting in front of us a brother or a sister, who is also a child made in Christ’s image. We are not greater than them, or not better than them, but we are able to let Christ work through us to be a companion to them.

Vincent de Paul lived his life aspiring to act virtuously, in imitation of Jesus. For him, the virtues of simplicity, humility, and gentleness were especially important to him. A spirit of simplicity was enacted by speaking plainly, conversing honestly, and conducting activities with straightforward goodness. We are invited to do the same. Linking with the virtue of simplicity, he lived his life with a heart of humility. He reminds us to allow ourselves to surrender our ideas of control and loneliness by leaning into our dependence on God and striving to cast aside harmful ideas of pride. We are encouraged to approach each day in humble gratitude for our good and loving God.

Like Vincent, we also aim to live the virtue of gentleness. Being warm, approachable, respectful, and open to all those we meet and putting aside any irritations or frustrations to be completely present to whoever we need to be present within the moment. We are asked to be selfless. Striving to be a faithful servant to people who are experiencing any form of poverty, placing their needs above our own. As the Rule 1.3, Part I states, “no work of charity is foreign to the Society.” The openness to the wide scope of human needs means that the Society, and its Members, are renewed by the diverse experiences of Companions. And finally, as members, we live a life of faith joyfully and with zeal so that our service of God’s people may long endure.

As members of our Vincentian family, we model all that we do on the example of St Vincent de Paul. We witness the virtues that St Vincent held most dear. May we continue to embrace these virtues in our lives and work with the Society into all that God longs for us to be in this world and may we take these with us today.

From: Firewood for the soul, vol. 2, A Reflexion Book for the Whole Vincentian Family
St. Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland, Australia.
Text by: Samantha Hill and James Hodge.