In the heart of Medellín (Colombia), a city known for both its beauty and its social challenges, an initiative emerged that, over more than two decades, has brightened the lives of those living in the shadows of abandonment and exclusion. The Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation, created on May 15, 1998, by José Guillermo Bolívar Tabares and Mary Luz Molina Pareja, has become a pillar of hope for the homeless and other vulnerable groups in the city. Inspired by the charity of St. Vincent de Paul, this foundation has grown in impact and recognition, driven by the mission to transform lives through love, respect, and solidarity.

A Humble Beginning with a Clear Purpose

The story of the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation began with a small group of young people and adults who walked the streets of Medellín at night, offering cups of hot aguapanela to the homeless. This simple but compassionate gesture earned them the name they now proudly carry. Aguapanela, a traditional Colombian beverage, became the symbol of their work: a source of warmth on the cold nights of the city, both for the body and the soul.

Initially, the group operated without legal status, but over time, it consolidated into a formal organization. St. Vincent de Paul was chosen as the patron, and with him, the foundation adopted the principles of the Church’s Social Doctrine, seeking not only charity but also the social transformation of those they served.

A Commitment to the Most Vulnerable

The work of the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation is focused on providing comprehensive assistance to the homeless and other marginalized groups struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and extreme poverty. Their primary goal is clear: to offer alternatives for recovering a life of dignity and productivity, facilitating the reintegration of these individuals into their families and social circles. This holistic approach includes not only the provision of food but also emotional and spiritual support, based on the principles of charity and respect promoted by St. Vincent de Paul.

The foundation’s specific objectives include improving the living conditions of their beneficiaries through food distribution and life project development. Additionally, they seek to establish partnerships with volunteers, other organizations, and companies to secure the necessary resources to continue their work.

Vision and Mission: Toward a Future of Greater Impact

The vision of the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation is ambitious: to become a national and international reference by 2025. They aim to achieve this by developing solutions that not only address the immediate needs of the less fortunate but also promote their human dignity and reintegration into society, following the example of St. Vincent de Paul.

The foundation’s mission centers on promoting actions that foster solidarity with the homeless and single mothers with limited resources. By meeting their basic needs and offering emotional support, the foundation seeks to improve their quality of life and help them regain their human dignity.

Values that Guide Every Action

The values underpinning the work of the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation are the pillars that guide each of their actions. Charity, inspired by St. Vincent de Paul, is the driving force behind their commitment to the poorest. Empathy allows them to deeply connect with those they serve, understanding their needs and responding appropriately.

Simplicity and humility are fundamental in their work, as they see their beneficiaries as equals, deserving of the same respect and love. Justice, understood as inseparable from charity, directs their efforts towards restoring autonomy and dignity to individuals. Lastly, spirituality, based on the Gospel, is the foundation of their commitment, inspiring foundation members to live their faith through service to others.

Projects and Services: A Helping Hand on Medellín’s Streets

The Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation has developed a series of projects aimed at providing comprehensive support to different vulnerable groups in the city. One of their main initiatives is the Prodigal Son Project, which began in the Niquitao neighborhood and has expanded to other areas like Barrio Triste, Avenida del Río, and Plaza Minorista. Every Thursday night, the foundation’s volunteers serve between 600 and 650 homeless individuals, offering them a hot meal, aguapanela, and sharing the Gospel with them. This project provides not only physical sustenance but also a space for listening and spiritual companionship.

Another significant program is the From Your Home to the Street, There’s Only One Step Project, aimed at vulnerable youth in the city’s marginalized neighborhoods. Through talks, conferences, and spiritual retreats, the foundation seeks to prevent these young people from falling into homelessness or crime. This work also extends to educational institutions, where the same program is implemented with a preventative focus.

The Loaves and Fishes Project focuses on single mothers with limited resources. Twice a month, these women receive training from foundation volunteers and are given a basket of basic food staples. Currently, 35 mothers from the most needy neighborhoods benefit from this project.

Finally, the Children Peace Builders Project is aimed at children in marginalized neighborhoods, offering them guidance, catechesis, recreational activities, and training in good manners and ethics. This project seeks to instill values in children that will help them grow into citizens committed to peace and the well-being of their community.

Recognition and International Projection

The impact of the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation has been recognized both locally and internationally. On their 15th anniversary, the Medellín city government publicly honored them in the City Council, highlighting their work as a significant social contribution. In November 2018, the foundation had the opportunity to participate in the first international conference of the FAMVIN Homeless Alliance, held in Rome, Italy. This event not only allowed them to showcase their work but also to connect with other branches of the Vincentian family worldwide.

A Dream for the Future: The Shelter

Looking to the future, the Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation dreams of creating a shelter in Medellín where they can house the homeless and single mothers with limited resources. This shelter would provide comprehensive training, spiritual support, and material sustenance, offering a safe and welcoming space for those in greatest need.


The Aguapaneleros de la Noche Foundation is much more than a charity organization. It is a beacon of hope in the darkness, a living testimony that love, empathy, and solidarity can transform lives. As they move toward their future goals, their commitment to the most vulnerable in Medellín remains an inspiring example of what can be achieved when people work from the heart.


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