Do you remember any Sermons?

Most visitors to Vincentian Mindwalk have heard anywhere from hundreds to literally thousands of sermons. Opps, I mean homilies!

How many do you remember ? Any that changed your life?

In the Vincentian Mindwalk, I offer a taste of a sermon I definitely remember. I hope it whets your appetite enough to view it in its entirety on YouTube. On the BBC channel alone, it has been viewed well over a million times!

The Power of Love

Someone once said that Jesus began the most revolutionary movement in human history. ..  I’m talking about power. Real power. Power to change the world.

He didn’t die for anything he could get out of it. Jesus did not get an honorary doctorate for dying… he sacrificed his life, for the good of others, for the good of the other, for the well-being of the world… for us.”

“If you don’t believe me, just stop and imagine. Think and imagine a world where love is the way.”

“Just imagine

  • our homes and families where love is the way. Imagine neighborhoods and communities where love is the way
  • governments and nations where love is the way. Imagine business and commerce where this love is the way.
  • this tired old world where love is the way.

“When love is the way – unselfish, sacrificial, redemptive.”

When love is the way…

  • no child will go to bed hungry in this world ever again.
  • we will let justice roll down like a mighty stream and righteousness like an ever-flowing brook.
  • poverty will become history. When love is the way, the earth will be a sanctuary.
  • we will lay down our swords and shields, down by the riverside, to study war no more.
  • there’s plenty good room – plenty good room – for all of God’s children.

Because when love is the way, we actually treat each other, well… like we are actually family.

My brothers and sisters, that’s a new heaven, a new earth, a new world, a new human family.

The fire of love

“Pierre Teilhard de Chardin  said that the discovery, or invention, or harnessing of fire was one of the great scientific and technological discoveries in all of human history.

“Fire made it possbile to…

  • cook food and to provide sanitary ways of eating which reduced the spread of disease in its time.
  • heat warm environments and thereby made human migration around the world a possibility, even into colder climates.
  • Without fire there was no Bronze Age without fire, no Iron Age without fire, no Industrial Revolution without fire.

“And he then went on to say that if humanity ever harnesses the energy of fire again, if humanity ever captures the energy of love – it will be the second time in history that we have discovered fire.

“We must discover love – when we do that, we will make of this old world, a new world.”

How did St. Vincent discover… and manifest the power and fire of love?

How will we discover… and manifest the power and fire of love?

Originally posted on Vincentian Mindwalk