On September 20, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. José María de Yermo y Parres, a Mexican priest who for a time belonged to the Congregation of the Mission, a living example of charity and a faithful follower of the example of St. Vincent de Paul.

Saint José María de Yermo y Parres stands as one of the most remarkable figures of selfless dedication to the poor in the history of the Mexican Church. Born on November 10, 1851, in Hacienda de Jalmolonga, in the State of Mexico, he came from a wealthy family. His early life was marked by the tragic death of his mother just 50 days after his birth. Raised by his father and his aunt Carmen, both instilled in him deep Christian values that would define his future vocation.

From a young age, Yermo y Parres felt the call to the priesthood, and at 16, he joined the Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent de Paul in Mexico City. However, he soon experienced a vocational crisis, which led him to leave the Vincentian order. Nonetheless, determined to follow his calling, he continued his formation in the Diocese of León, Guanajuato, where he was ordained a priest in 1879.

In his early ministry, José María became known for his eloquence as a preacher and his commitment to youth catechesis, earning him an important role in the diocesan curia. However, illness forced him to step back from formal responsibilities, and the bishop of León assigned him to two small churches on the outskirts of the city: El Calvario and Santo Niño. This assignment was a humbling experience for José María, as it seemed a demotion after his earlier success, but he accepted it as part of his obedience to serving Christ.

It was during this period that a pivotal event occurred, one that would forever change his life and lead to the founding of the Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor. One day, while on his way to El Calvario, José María witnessed a horrific scene: pigs were devouring the bodies of two abandoned newborns. Overcome with grief and compassion, he felt a deep calling from God to act. He sought permission from his bishop to establish a refuge for abandoned children and the poor, which he did in 1885 by founding the Sacred Heart Asylum. This was the first of many homes he would create for orphans, the elderly, and the impoverished.

Yermo y Parres’ charitable work didn’t stop there. Throughout his life, he expanded his mission, founding schools, hospitals, and additional homes for the elderly and orphans. His commitment to the marginalized and his tireless work for the poor became the hallmark of his priesthood. The Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor, which began with five young volunteers, quickly grew and remains active to this day, continuing his legacy of love and service across Mexico and beyond.

One of the most notable aspects of Yermo y Parres’ life was his ability to understand and adapt to the social realities of his time. Born into a wealthy family, he had firsthand knowledge of the privileges of the upper class, but from an early age, he was also exposed to the harsh realities of poverty through the laborers on his family’s estate. This early exposure profoundly shaped his sense of social justice and his mission as a priest. Throughout his life, he fought against illiteracy, the exploitation of women, and the dehumanizing conditions in which the poor lived.

Despite his achievements, Yermo y Parres’ life was not without challenges. He faced criticism and slander, both within and outside the Church, and endured physical ailments that weakened him at various points. However, these trials never deterred him. He continued to work tirelessly, driven by his deep faith in Christ and his love for the needy.

The impact of José María de Yermo y Parres on Mexican society was immense. His charity and love for the marginalized left an indelible mark on the country’s history. His legacy lives on through the Congregation he founded, and his life serves as a shining example of what it means to live the Gospel with authenticity and dedication. He was beatified on May 6, 1990, by Pope John Paul II, and later canonized on May 21, 2000, recognizing his holiness and his extraordinary contribution to Christian and social life.

Saint José María de Yermo y Parres not only transformed the lives of thousands of needy people during his lifetime but also left an enduring legacy of charity, service, and faith. His life and work stand as a testament to the transformative power of Christian love when lived with integrity and total commitment to others