Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna
Jesus is meek and lowly of heart. Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty. John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’. Or they may be so haughty. Haughty enough to think that...Oxfam Intermon’s September 2024 Report: A Call for Global Justice and Action
Oxfam Intermon, a prominent humanitarian organization known for its work addressing global inequality and poverty, released its 2024 report on September 23rd, painting a grim picture of the world’s economic inequality.
Louise de Marillac Vincentian Foundation (Cali, Colombia): A Legacy of Commitment and Service #famvin2024
The Louise de Marillac Vincentian Foundation, a non-profit institution with a deep humanitarian and Christian vocation, has been a fundamental pillar in the assistance and integral promotion of the most vulnerable people, especially the elderly poor, in Colombia.
Loaves and Fishes
Mary and Willy Miranda are devoted to feeding Patterson’s needy